After going through two toxic relationships, I went through the process of loving myself again. I learned how to love and care for myself and then I started to learn how to date and regulate myself and co-exist in a container of safety, deep trust, and love with a masculine partner. I did everything from saying my affirmations to working with therapists to healers to journaling to reading books. All of these things helped me greatly, however I felt something was missing.
And then I realized that it didn’t really matter whether one was single, dating, or married, our emotional wounds of abandonment, rejection, betrayal, injustice, and humiliation operate us from behind the scenes regardless of our relationship status. We don’t know how to express our emotional and sexual needs and desires. We don’t know how to embody the full expression of our magnetic femininity and embody our truth on a deep level.
Here are the wounds:
Abandonment: This wound generally is lived with the parent of the opposite sex. You may not feel cared for or support by that figure in your childhood and you have a childhood filled with lack of attention, affection, stability, and security. This causes you to get into relationships where you feel emotionally and/or physically abandoned by the person you’re dating. You may be attracted to emotionally unavailable partners.
Rejection: This wound generally occurs with the parent of the same sex. You may have grown up not feeling valuable or enough. You may feel sensitive about the slightest thing that causes you to feel rejected. You may be afraid of failure and want to be invisible and have perfectionist tendencies.
Humiliation: This is a very deep wound. In childhood, you may feel that your parents are ashamed of you and that they ridiculed you. You feel inferior to others and can focus on people pleasing the people in your life. You feel shame and guilt from fully loving, accepting, and caring for yourself.
Betrayal: This wound formed when your parents or caretakers didn’t keep their promises or betrayed your trust. This causes you to grow up believing showing your vulnerability is weak and so you don’t allow yourself to open your heart so others don’t take advantage and control you. You may be trying to control every single thing constantly and be in hypervigilance constantly. You can be demanding and suspicious in relationships.
Injustice: This wound develops when you grow up with cold and rigid parents or caretakers. They have been overly authoritative and disrespectful. In adulthood and in your relationships, this may play out as you finding it hard to commit and fear being wrong. You may have extremely demanding expectations of yourself and not feel fully appreciated for who you are. You place more importance on doing rather than being.
Once you learn and heal these wounds in you, you will unlock deeper and greater love, abundance, and joy in your life. If you are single, you will attract quality men more easily. If you are in a relationship, your relationship will flow more easily. If you are married, your marriage will become stronger and blossom more beautifully. Regardless of where you are in your love and dating journey, this course is for EVERY WOMAN. You will unlock deeper intimacy, communication, flow, magnetism, and love for yourself and your relationship.
You Are Loved by Healing Abandonment Wound:
- Become worthy of love by giving your inner child exactly what she needs to feel safe and loved.
- Learn the exact steps to manifest your specific or new person to fall in love madly with you.
- Become a deep source of love, healing, and nourishment to yourself that will attract deeper love with your specific or new person
- Create a reality with you are completely cherished by your specific or new person
- Feel cherished consistently in your love life in the most beautiful way and prepare your sacred space to receive sexual intimacy and pleasure
- Heal and cleanse womb space of past lovers and old beliefs you carry about love and sexuality
- Learn how to have healthy boundaries to an easeful flow of giving and receiving love
- Create a container of safety and love to receive intimacy that feels nourishing and fulfilling
- Deepen your relationship with pleasure, sensuality, and sexuality to reveal your magnetism and radiance
- Create a reality where you are chosen and claimed by your specific or new person
- Learn to trust your intuition as you take inspired actions in love
- Activate magnetic attraction with your specific or new person
- Create a healthy, loving, conscious relationship with your specific or new person
- Cultivate the energetic frequency to effortlessly manifest your desires and magnetize exactly what you want most in your relationship
- Learn how to feel deeply whole, fulfilled, confident, beautiful, and sensual no matter what trauma or injustice you may have gone through in your past