You have reached a point in your life where you are ready to call in your Beloved into your life.

You are ready for a beautiful, marriage-oriented, long-term, loving relationship with him. You have been doing some inner work on your own and reading several books on this topic and put yourself on the dating scene and yet you have not found your Beloved. The truth is love requires big changes and decisions. It requires you to undergo a deep transformation. You must first become whole and deeply connected to yourself so much that you are ready to receive your Beloved when he arrives in your life.
In this 3 month private mentoring program, I hold loving space for you to let go of limiting stories and beliefs to call in this relationship into your life with feminine ease. I support you to navigate the world of dating and romance and teach you how to trust yourself and a man again.
Throughout our time together, you will feel powerful and feminine, navigate the dating and romance world with flow and grace and from a deep place of richness and love while feeling divinely sensual and erotic in your skin and womanhood. In other words, you UNLOCK your natural SEXINESS and MAGNETISM and fulfil your desire to be deeply seen and loved by the right man.
Here is how I will support you to receive your Beloved with ease and grace:
- Let go of your past and old stories and embody your new story and womanhood on a physical, emotional, mental, and sexual level.
- Trust the process to unfold organically and yet do everything from your side to energetically “speed” or build momentum in this process.
- Strike a beautiful balance between letting go/surrendering and taking aligned action with flow.
- Learn how to trust your soul’s inner guidance and intuition as you navigate the dating scene about who is your right man/Beloved.
- Open your heart no matter how raw and intense it feels and become a clear channel to call in your Beloved.
- Commit to creating time and space in your schedule and life for your Beloved to ‘drop’ into your life.
- Receive practical advice and guidance about dating and planning dates and how to move to the next stage with flow, how to invite romance into your life, and even talking about sex.
- Inspire a man to step up and rise to meet you and learn how to do the same for him
- Embody the different alluring, beautiful shades of your femininity from being sexy, romantic, soulful, beautiful, to hot and express them all to him with confidence and vulnerability.
- Create magic and divine miracles in your romantic love life by becoming tuned to who you are as a woman

My private clients work with me in a 4-month container where we see each other on a Zoom video call for 60 minutes across 12 sessions every week. There will be a week of integration after every couple weeks of sessions.
This 4-month container is more about consciously creating the romantic love relationship of your dreams and a rebirthing where you learn more deeply about your feminine embodiment and seduction along with creating the romantic love relationship.
Our sessions together will be a blend of practical how to’s, experiential learnings, self-inquiry explorations, energetic healings, and straight-up advice. You will also have email support between sessions. During our time together, think of me as your wayshower, your personal guide, and counsel. I am there for you every step of the way, Feminine Woman.
You will get:
- 12 Zoom calls
- 60 minutes each time with me
- Follow-up notes in an email outlining your next steps
If this resonates with you, the first step is to schedule a free 30-minute “Receive Your Beloved with Feminine Ease” call to get clear on the areas you would love support on in romantic love and to ensure we are on the same page and a good fit to work together.